在写作中,雅思小作文占据1/3的分数,较为重要。雅思小作文全为图表作文,分为7大类型。柱状图、线图、表格、饼图、混合图、地图、流程图。 其中柱状图、线图、表格为常考类型。
The diagrams compare two different methods of defence for homes which are at risk of being...
小作文中的难点 常出工序图和生物生长图 核心为句型+连接词
The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on mobile and landline...
小作文中重要类型,常出 若横轴有时间推移,描述柱子的升降起伏 若横轴无时间推移,则写所占比例的高低
The chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration...
小作文中较难类型 分段分别写图1、图2 最后一段对比图1、图2,找出相似、差异或其他关联
The chart compares the amounts of waste that were produced in six countries in the...
可适当在数据分析上花时间 分析时将数据纵向、横向比较 写作用总分总原则,中间找最值进行描述
The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 1868 and 1994. It is...
小作文中的难点 写时找好参照物,用地理位置词解释线索 若图超过2张,需要强调2图间关键的变化
小作文中重要类型,常出 写时重点描述数字的变化 描述变化时适当加入程度副词表示变化快慢与程度
在写作中,雅思大作文占据2/3的分数,非常重要。雅思大作文均为议论文,分为3大类型。字数要求在250字以上,既考察单词、句式等内容方面,也注重审题、 文章逻辑方面的考察。
People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In...
要求考生提出自己观点 观点表达1:(to some extent)do you agree or disagree? 观点表达2:what's your opinion?
It is unquestionable that rising unemployment is one of the most pressing issues in the industrial...
要求考生讨论一个事物的两方面,即优缺点 讨论1:discuss both views 讨论2:tell advantages and disadvantages
It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although...
不需讨论,只阐述问题产生原因及解决办法 原因:what caused this problem? 解决办法:what solutions can you suggest?